Technology is a huge part of our lives today. From computers to tablets to all kinds of PDA’s. But what do you do with these devices when they are at the end of their life considering all the sensitive information on them? This is particularly a problem for colleges and higher education universities. Just think of all the different types of IT related products that are used on a college campus. There are computers and laptops for the staff. Most students use some type of laptop, tablet, cellphone and USB drives. So when these devices are at the end of their life what do you do with them? Simply throw them in the trash, use a third party service, or set up a secure in-house destruction program?

Outside Shred Service
In the past this has been a common solution because of convenience. Particularly in years past when the volume of IT devices was low. The premise was simple,  call a shred service and they come out and destroy the media for you. It’s kind of an out of site out of mind thing. However as the volume increases it can get expensive. There is typically a fee to come to your location and then pricing is based on your volume with a minimum fee. So why not put that money into a piece of equipment where you could destroy the drives yourself and also ensure maximum security?
In-house Destruction Options
When you are starting to think about setting up your own in-house destruction program there are a few things to think about. What is your volume? What type of drives are you looking to destroy? What is your budget? Depending on these answers to these questions you could possibly purchase your own destruction device and actually have it pay for itself in the first year or 2 compared with what you are paying for a destruction service. Also doing it yourself ensures maximum security.
High Security Destruction
When dealing with high security and classified data that is associated with National Defense, the US Federal Government implements a two step process in which a hard drive is degaussed with an NSA level degausser and physically destroyed. To that end, SEM offers a variety of Degauss and Destroy Bundle Solutions for both NSA Level and/or commercial level information.
If you need to destroy hard drives or any other type of electronic media, SEM has a solution to meet a wide variety needs and budgets.