SEM Briquetting Systems
While shredding sensitive documents eliminates security concerns, it doesn’t solve disposal issues — which is where briquetting systems come in. From small systems to room-size, fully automated processes, SEM briquettors reduce large volumes of loose waste into small, manageable — and fully recyclable — briquettes that are the cornerstone of SEM VKE Green systems.

What to Know About Briquetting Systems

This is a briquette. A SEM briquettor compresses destroyed paper particles into compact pucks called briquettes, reducing total volume by about 90%! Unlike regular disintegrated paper waste, SEM briquettes are fully recyclable. (Fun fact: they can also be used as a fuel source! – campfire, anyone?)
Works With Any SEM Disintegrator
SEM briquetting systems are fully customizable to be compatible with any of SEM’s disintegrator options. That means whether you’re looking for a low volume solution like the SEM Model 1012/5 or a high volume solution like the Model 3000, a briquetting system can be combined to make a complete destruction system.

Lower Your Carbon Footprint
When using a SEM briquettor waste can be reduced by up to 90% of the original volume size. But not only is the waste reduced, it also becomes recyclable, making the briquettor solution waste 100% green.

Meet Sustainability Goals

Social Responsibility
SEM briquetting systems allow companies to meet their own internal targets for sustainability goals as well. It has never been more important to focus on where individuals and organizations can go more green. Reducing waste by 90%, lowering transportation costs, and making shredded material recyclable are just the tipping point of where you can begin.

Learn More About Disintegrator Customizations
Learn About Other SEM Products
Paper/Optical Shredders
SEM offers a variety of paper and optical shredders for classified and confidential information listed on the NSA Evaluated Products List (EPL), as well as industrial solutions for commercial partners to meet standards across HIPAA, FISMA, and more. Find the perfect shredder to meet your organization’s volume, speed, and size for paper, CDs, DVDs, and BDs.
IT Solutions
SEM has a complete line of IT destruction devices that includes a variety of crushers and shredders for HDDs, SSDs, and small eMedia storage devices. The IT line also includes degaussers that are listed on the Evaluated Products List (EPL) to permanently scramble the binary field of magnetic storage devices such as HDDs and data tapes per NSA standards.
Multipurpose Solutions
Not every organization is destroying one type of media – and that’s where SEM multipurpose destroyers come in. These USA manufactured devices can destroy a combination of optical media including CDs, DVDs, and BDs, small eMedia devices like flash drives, Iron Keys, and SSD chips, paper, key tape, and more.
Disintegrator Solutions
SEM designed the world’s first paper disintegrator in 1968 and we’ve been perfecting the solution ever since. SEM disintegrator systems come in a variety of value kits with endless customization options to meet any organization’s high security data destruction needs. Fully scalable from small room solutions to full warehouse destruction environments.